Many consumers who are aware of their poor personal credit standing, often wrongly assume that due to their credit score, they do not stand a chance of getting a personal loan. Instead of looking around and comparing different avenues for a bad credit loan many people will make the mistake of pursuing other routes for getting money. Many of these routes can be a costly mistake.
One such route that can be financially detrimental is a payday loan. A payday loan is essentially a short-term loan that offers a quick turnaround time for fast cash. A credit check is not a requirement to receiving a payday loan and all a person typically needs to qualify is proof of a steady income and a bank account. The payday loan amount is based on the individual’s salary each month. The amount of the loan will be transferred into the person’s bank account though some places will hand over cash. The individual will then be responsible for paying back the loan amount within two weeks plus the interest rate. A payday loan is often thought of as a way to have access to cash you’d earn anyway but the reality is the amount of cash you need to pay back in interest could have been instead used to create an emergency savings fund to prevent a similar situation from happening in the future.
Perhaps a better option for a personal loan when dealing with a bad credit history is by seeking a secured personal loan. A secured loan involves an individual putting up a personal property item of value as collateral for the loan. Collateral items will be repossessed by the lender should the individual default on the loan. Many times lenders will ignore some credit problems because the collateral helps to limit the risk of losing money. In order to be considered for a secured loan, the borrower must have ownership of something valuable to be used for collateral such as a home or car.
Another type of personal loan option for those with bad credit might also be an unsecured loan that does not require any collateral. There are private lenders that may choose to work with borrowers who have bad credit histories but the qualification process may be more involved and the interest rates may be higher than it would for borrowers with good credit.
It is important for people with poor credit to do plenty of research when they are in need of a personal loan. Research a wide number of providers. It is best to stick with one of the bigger known banks offering cheap loans, such as Alliance and Leicester, as this way you can be sure that you are getting a fair rate of interest. Many times borrowers can find out within minutes online if they qualify for any type of loan. However, it is most important that research be completed prior to beginning the application process in order to prevent multiple applications for loans from harming your credit